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Eat Well in Schools

School owned, community fed

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Food and the Curriculum

At Eat Well in Schools we use the curriculum to teach children about healthy eating, and about food in general.


Curriculum workshops are held at each school, run by our Catering Manager Mr Passarelli.


They include:


Great Fire of London - Whole class baking bread session

Touch, Taste, Smell - An insight into fruit and vegetables, including tasting and preparation

Weighing and Measuring - Hands on pancake making session

Healthy Diet - teaching children the importance of a healthy diet.

Kitchen Skills Olympics - Peeling, chopping, slicing, whipping, rolling and separating eggs.

WW2 Rationing - An insight into rationing during WW2. Using original ration books that have been tracked back to the original owners, the children are given the history of the person and the food that was consumed at the time.

Healthy Salad - Children make a healthy salad coleslaw and present it at the end of the session.


There are also many other workshops that look at food from around the world. 

